Artificial intelligence against cybercrime: the Afc Digital Hub is coming soon

In Turin, the consortium that will see as partners Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, the University of Turin, the Polytechnic of Turin and Centai. The aim is to develop innovative solutions and models to identify phenomena attributable to illegal activities 24 Jun 2022 F. Me.

Intesa Sanpaolo in the field against financial crimes. The Afc Digital Hub (Anti Financial Crime Digital Hub) will be built in Turin, a consortium that will deal with combating financial crimes through the use of new technologies and artificial intelligence that will see as members Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, the University of Turin, the Polytechnic of Turin and Centai (Center for Artificial Intelligence, the new research institute dedicated to artificial intelligence participated by the Bank). The bank's investments in financial crimes is one of the pillars of the 2022-2025 Business Plan: here interventions are planned to further strengthen the control controls, the adoption of increasingly advanced internal models for the interception of potentially suspicious transactions, a growing use of artificial intelligence and constant cooperation with the Italian and European authorities and the best scientific and industrial partners. "With the signing of the deed of incorporation of Afc Digital Hub we have started a path that will lead us to collaborate in synergy with some Italian excellences in the scientific, technological and academic fields in the fight against digital financial crimes, unfortunately constantly growing all over the world" – says Carlo Messina, Managing Director and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo. "Afc Digital Hub can represent an element of support for the Italian candidacy as the headquarters of the future European Union Authority for combating money laundering, catalyzing the arrival of highly qualified investments and resources and accelerating the process of innovation and digitization of the country". Index of topics • What is Afc Digital Hub • The organization of the hub What is Afc Digital Hub Afc Digital Hub intends to become a point of reference at national and international level for the fight against money laundering and terrorism and, to pursue this objective, the members intend to encourage its opening to other credit institutions and intermediaries of the system. The use of artificial intelligence will allow the AFC Digital Hub to develop innovative solutions and models for the detection of suspicious phenomena attributable to illegal activities. The scope of analysis of the Hub, initially focused on phenomena related to money laundering and the fight against terrorism, in the future could be extended to the interception of situations of market abuse and fraud, which have common elements in terms of logic for identifying suspicious transactions. The potential offered by the new technologies will allow Intesa Sanpaolo and the banks and companies that subsequently choose to join the consortium to increase the effectiveness in monitoring risk, to make management processes more effective and to define new quality standards in all areas of activity. The organization of the hub The Board of Directors, which will be Chairman Piero Franco Maria Boccassino, Group Chief Compliance Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo, will include: Stefano Geuna, Rector of the University of Turin; Guido Saracco, Rector of the Polytechnic of Turin; Francesco Bonchi, Scientific Director of Centai; Maurizio Montagnese, Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center; Massimo Proverbio, Chief IT Digital Innovation Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo; Raffaele Cosimo, Head of the Central Anti-Financial Crime Department of Intesa Sanpaolo. The General Manager will be Valerio Cencig, Head of Compliance Digital Transformation at Intesa Sanpaolo.